Mosier Rehab
Project Overview
Connell was selected to assist in design and construction of an aging 20” waterline with the City of Greeley. The entire 15,000 foot of waterline needed to be rehabbed in sections to accommodate City budget. Connell assisted in investigating connections to the existing system and determined a strategy for rehabilitation of the entire stretch of pipe, including identifying connection points and isolation needs for the line. The Connell team investigated removal and replacement as well as bursting and tight lining for the rehab methods for the line. To reduce project costs, the same alignment as the existing line was preferred, as no permanent easement or utility relocations would be required. Once pricing was prepared, the Team determined the best locations to open cut and rehab in a trenchless manner, the depth of cover over the pipe precluded bursting as a rehab technique. Connell prepared sketches on the cities maps to identify valve cut-in locations and lateral connection requirements as well as preparing detailed pricing for the work. The City determined the best phasing according to budget and need. The first year (2018) Connell open cut and replaced 1700 LF of pipe. The second year (2019) Connell performed tight liner installation on 4,430 LF of waterline which was found to be in resident yards, under driveways and generally in hard to access locations. The third and final year (2020-21) Connell performed 1650 LF of open cut in a city street and 900 LF of tight liner across a busy intersection. In total 8,700 LF of waterline was rehabilitated with 3370 LF of open cut and 5330 LF of tight liner.