
Lincoln Corridor
Connell Resources was the selected CM/GC Contractor by the City of Fort Collins. Construction of the Lincoln Corridor Project included phased roadway reconstruction, new drainage facilities including buried detention facilities, addition of medians, and wider bike lanes on this important gateway corridor for the City of Fort Collins. Work included early coordination of design and…

Development of Amazon Fulfillment Center parking Lot. Grading of 11 Acres of cut/fill, relocation of various storm lines and inlets and 12” Watermain as well as over 10,000 tons of asphalt paving and over 2 miles of curb and gutter. Amazon expedited schedule multiple times in order to meet deadlines. General Contractor:RC Andersen, LLCMatt

The Standard
The Standard is a student housing facility comprised of two 5 story apartment buildings on one plot of land connected by a fire lane, this site was a zero lot line project as the buildings took the entire site, one building includes a parking garage that extends 16 ft underground and is located on a…

VA Hospital
Site development for VAClinicadjacent to the Fort Collins Loveland Airport (FNL). Work included mass earthwork of over 100,000 CY of dirt, sanitary sewer manhole rehabilitation, 2,000 LF of potable waterline, 1500 lf of storm sewer pipe, 10,000 tons of aggregate base course, and 5,000 tons asphalt paving of over 30,000 sy of parking lot and…

Wellington Middle School and High School
Connell was contracted by Adolfson and Peterson construction to perform over lot grading, sanitarysewer, waterline, storm drainage, and fine grading for all concrete and asphalt pavement for this 100 acresite for the new Wellington Middle School and High School. Work included removal and replacement ofadjacent roadways. During construction, Connell was contracted to install offsite sanitary…

Willow Street
Willow Street Improvements was a project contracted by CMAR to the City of Fort Collins. Connell was hired during the design phase to assist in constructability and phasing determinations so that the team could accurately communicate the impact to the stakeholders along the corridor. The project included rebuilding a section of road in Old Town…

30 Inch Waterline Replacement
This project involved the replacement of 2-30” Transmission Pipeline Segments and a micro tunneled crossing of I-25 just south of Prospect Road in Fort Collins. This project was required by CDOT to allow room to expand the intersection and was contracted using City of Greeley CMAR contract. Phase 1 was fully designed at time of…

Boyd Parallel I
Boyd Parallel Sewer Interceptor Phase I This project consisted of 2100 feet of 24″ Sewer Collector Main through a heavily populated and high traffic area of Loveland. Sewer depths ranged from 14′-22′. The installation required the relocation of waterline and storm sewer infrastructure, along with coordinating the relocation of many other utilities (electric, gas and…

Boyd Parallel II
Construction of a new 3,975-foot long, 24” Interceptor Sewer that begins at the Contract 1 ending point in the intersection of E. 17th St. and N. Boise Ave and extends to an existing manhole in Madison Ave. north of Silver Leaf Drive. Pipe depths ranged from 12’-22’ with 1200 LF installed using sliderail to allow…

Chestnut Street to Eastman Park
Chestnut Street to Eastman Park Drive Drainage Improvements Phase I The project consisted of installing approximately 1,675 linear feet of 60″ RCP and 900 LF of 48” RCP with depths that ranged from 10 to 16 ft below asphalt surface in existing streets in Windsor. Connell value engineered the use of precast box base manholes…

Northeast College Corridor (NECCO)
Installation of storm sewer backbone and ponds for the Northeast College Corridor . The installation required relocation of existing utilities at road crossings. Extensive dewatering was required before installation of the utilities. This project also required relocation of multiple large diameter water and sewer lines. Owner:CITY OF FORT COLLINSMATT FATER(970)416-2146

South Loveland Outfall (SLO) GMP I & II
The project consisted of upgrading aged and undersized utilities in the Sherri Mar Subdivision. The existing storm sewer was upsized to alleviate neighborhood flooding. Existing water was replaced to make room for a new storm sewer as well as replacing areas that were rupturing. Work also included the replacement of curbs, gutter, and sidewalks within…

East P8 Waterline
Directional drill 400 LF of 16” FPVC pipe underneath US Hwy 34 and the Farmer Ditch. Installation of 8” PVC along with valves, hydrants and 2” HDPE service line. Connell installed a 16” FPVC waterline under Highway 34. Set valves and vaults on both sides. Tied into existing 12” on the north. Installed 8” east…

Mosier Rehab
Connell was selected to assist in design and construction of an aging 20” waterline with the City of Greeley. The entire 15,000 foot of waterline needed to be rehabbed in sections to accommodate City budget. Connell assisted in investigating connections to the existing system and determined a strategy for rehabilitation of the entire stretch of…

Walnut-Seckner Sewer
Walnut Street Sewer Rehab and Seckner Alley Sewer Bursting Work included bursting the existing 6-inch sewer and pull in a new 8 inch sewer in Seckner Alley between Walnut Street and Firehouse Alley including two new manholes, 13 service re-connections, and the restoration of Seckner Alley service connection pits with asphalt caps. The work also…

Development of Amazon Fulfillment Center parking Lot. Grading of 11 Acres of cut/fill, relocation of various storm lines and inlets and 12” Watermain as well as over 10,000 tons of asphalt paving and over 2 miles of curb and gutter. Amazon expedited schedule multiple times in order to meet deadlines. General Contractor:RC Andersen, LLCMatt

Buss Grove
At just over a mile of road, Town of Timnath was seeking contractor to widen and re-construct the old roadway and up-grade two big irrigation crossing box culvert structures. Project also included a curb and gutter and a sidewalk with a pedestrian bridge The two irrigation structures required for the old bridge and box culverts…

Owl Canyon
County Road 72 (Owl Canyon Road) was a reconstruction project from CR 21 North to US 287. The total length of the project was 3 miles. The project consisted of a building demolition, earthwork, storm drainpipe, box culvert, aggregate base course, asphalt paving, fence, guardrail, pavement markings, and traffic control. Owner:LARIMER COUNTYMATT JOHNSON970-498-5724

SH 85
SH 85 Ault – Wyoming This two-year phased project consisted of full-depth reclamation, paving, and shoulder widening of 29 miles along US Highway 85 from Ault, Colorado to the Wyoming border. Connell Resources received multiple awards for this project including Best in Colorado Quality award for Rural Highway New or Reconstruction projects. This project scored…

CSU Parking Lot Maintenance
Reconstruction of existing parking lots and roads throughout CSU’s Campus systems. Highly coordinated work with CSU Facilities to ensure access to buildings for summer conferences and university activities was maintained. Tight schedules with all work being completed during summer break, May 20th – August 16th. Owner COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITYTONY FLORES970-491-7110

Curtis Lake Dam
This project consisted of breaching the dam and replacement of the outlet pipe. New outlet structure and impact basin and rip rap at the outlet. The earthwork included unclassified excavation for the breach, replacement of the breach, reestablishing the crest elevations and fortifying the embankment per State Engineer requirements. The spillway was regraded and…

Curtis Lake Pump Station
Curtis Lake Pump Station was a design build project completed for Water Supply and Storage Company. The project includes the design and manufacturing of a floating pump barge system with a floating distribution line from the barge location approx. 400 LF from shore, installation of 4000 LF of buried 30” HDPE, shoreline connection/outlet structures, pump…

Fossil Creek Stream Rehabilitation
The goal of this project was to address poor aquatic habitat and unstable streams at Fossil Creek while preserving natural and beneficial functions of floodplains. Increased emphasis on storm water quality and protection of the City’s urban watersheds. This project was completed in two phases. Owner:City of Fort CollinsSUE PAQUETTE970–224-6068

Laramie Tunnel East Portal
The Laramie River East Tunnel Portal project was a negotiated contract between Water Supply and Storage Company and Connell Resources, Inc. The project consisted of removing the existing tunnel portal structure and replacing it with a new cast in place concrete structure. Extensive planning was required for this project as the job site is located…

Mail Creek Stream Rehab
Work included earthwork and excavation, rip rap and cobble placement, storm sewer pipe and inlets, topsoil, stream enhancements and bank stabilization measures. The entire project was completed during the winter months to utilize the low creek flows. However, the effort to redirect the water around and through the project was extensive and dynamic as…

Overland Ponds at Treiber Interconnect
The Project consisted of the connection of existing pond/reservoirs. The work included constructing two new interconnects and constructing intake and outlet structures at two existing interconnects. The work included site preparation, installation of construction shafts to access tunnel work, installation of two interconnect pipelines by tunneling methods, construction of intake and outlet structures, gates and…

Riverside Reservoir Dam Emergency Spillway
This project was mandated by the Colorado Division of Water Resources to provide a safer spillway for the dam constructed in the early 1900s. This new spillway will accommodate a 500 year flood event. Connell was contracted to excavate for the new spillway and dispose of the excavated material to create a berm between the…

Hughes Stadium Demo
Colorado State University Hughes Stadium was the home of the CSU Rams from 1968 until 2016. The school’s governors elected to build a brand new state of the art stadium on campus instead of spending an estimated $35-$40 million on minimal repair work at Hughes. In March of 2018, Connell Resources was subcontracted by Independence…